Van Gogh Starry Night, Vintage Post Impressionism Posters by VanGogh_Gallery
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Van Gogh Starry Night, Vintage Post Impressionism
Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is a vintage fine art post
impressionism landscape painting featuring a view from van Gogh's asylum
of the night sky with clouds swirling, a crescent moon and shining
stars. The painting was painted during the day from memory. Starry Night
is probably van Gogh's most famous painting.
About the artist:
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Post Impressionist painter whose work was most notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold color.
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Post Impressionist painter whose work was most notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold color.
Cliff Walk at Pourville by Claude Monet Print by MasterpieceCafe
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Cliff Walk at Pourville by Claude Monet
Cliff Walk at Pourville (1882). Artist: Claude Monet (1840-1926).
Cliff Walk at Pourville is a vintage impressionism fine art maritime
painting featuring two women standing on a sea cliff carrying parasols
and overlooking waves on the ocean.
About the artist:
Claude Monet was a founder of the French impressionist painting movement with most of his paintings being "en plein air" (in the open air) style impressionism landscapes.
Claude Monet was a founder of the French impressionist painting movement with most of his paintings being "en plein air" (in the open air) style impressionism landscapes.
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