Friday, May 10, 2019

 Catnap time again...nice day outdoors, what else is new? 
 At least we can see what she's been up to online...

Apparently she likes this view. Cats usually prefer to view the beach from afar.

And she thinks this table looks like a nice perch for a cat.
This comforter would be a dreamy place for a catnap..

And she's still not sure which scene to choose for the wall tapestry (cats can be fickle)...

New Palm Frond credenza 
She's channeling her jungle cat choosing this one. Good choice!

Purple Petunias floor pillow
 Cats always order pillows, but this one looks nice with the credenza...our cat has good taste!

For lots more good stuff our cat likes, 
visit our shop, Glenn Designs, at this clickable link: